Bidadari Hati

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

the one about badrul and himself....

'gosshhhh! you are so weird!' 'hahahahaha… funny lah u nih!' u are such a good listener!' benda-benda yang my friends selalu cakap kat i... yup... they all were referring to me!!! and yup, i’m going to be a little bit vain... talking about myself... hahahaha...

i have to agree… kadangkala, the way i look at things memang weird… ramai jugak yang tak faham, but some can accept it... well, that is how i choose to look at things, that is how i want it to be... as simple as that kan…

white lily... my favourite...

so, what do i want to talk about? hhhmmm... me, me, me… hahahahhaa... what about me? well, for a start, i choose my friends... yup, memang i memilih... but of course bukan bergantung on paras rupa, or harta benda, umur atau pangkat, but tengok sama ada click ke tak… and i am sooooo very friendly... hahaha... i can say hello to anyone i want to and i selalu make the first move…

xe'an's monkey boy...

and one thing about friendship and trust... bila i kenal seseorang tuh, i gave them 100% trust... (one of the thing yang buat my friends cakap i’m weird) and it work backwards... meaning, bila dah lama-lama, and bila ada something wrong, i tolak-tolak lah... turun jadi 98% less and less after that... kalau orang lain, dia mesti naik-naik kan... gain trust kata dia orang lah... but for me, it’s the other way around...

candle from koh samui...

i’m also not shy with my feelings... i laugh openly… i cry when i need to... in front of anyone? yup... kalau ada orang cakap orang lelaki tak menangis, well f... it! senang jer kan... to me, all of us have the right to do anything we want as long as we know what is right and what is wrong... and only crazy people cakap crying is wrong... hahahaha...

mandarin duck...

satu lagi, i’m very punctual... always, always on time... i tak suka buat orang tunggu, and i expect the same treatment too... but surprisingly, i can tolerate someone like kudsia who is always fashionably late... hahahhaaa... maybe because i’ve known her for so long... again, this thing only involve acara yang formal-formal jer... macam kalau nak attend meeting, or wedding, or specific appointment... but, kalau setakat pergi makan ker, keluar tengok wayang, or jalan-jalan jer, i tak kisah sangat... yang tuh, boleh laser kan jer... (macam wink dengan meesua kena tuh) hahahhaaa... and i cannot stand people mungkir janji... to me, janji is some special thing for us, human being, to honour... kalau kita tak boleh, cakap tak boleh... tak payah janji yang bukan-bukan...

i am very loud! sebatu dah boleh dengar my voice... maybe because our family is big, we tend to speak louder to be heard... Hahahaha... and i tend to speak too much when i’m nervous...

wild flowers in switzerland...

walaupun i suka cakap banyak, at the same time, i’m a good listener too... and i love to give advice, walaupun yang karut-marut... Hahahahaa… kalau tak percaya, boleh tanya makcik mimi, masa dia mengandung tuh, apa yang i advised dia untuk menghilangkan morning sickness… hahahahha... good old days...

and last but not least, i care a great deal about my friends... everyone is special in their own way...

anyway, enough about me… tell me about yourself... i want to get to know you better too..

~ pictures courtesy of shonny ~