Bidadari Hati

Monday, October 19, 2009

the one about badrul with his soooo many stories to tell...

picture taken by bob...

memang banyak benda nak cerita, nak cakap, nak tulis, nak mengarut, nak melalut dan sebagainya... setiap kali balik dari mana-mana, mesti dalam kereta tuh inside my head ada macam-macam perkara yang i nak catitkan in my blog, but bila sampai rumah, mengadap laptop, mula lah rasa malas.... pppffffff... sia-sia jer gelak sorang-sorang dalam kereta or apa jer lah perasaan yang datang bila teringat nak update blog... now here i am again, staring at my laptop screen with a blank page in my head... ok fine, not totally a blank page, but i don't think anyone (or even myself) would care about the stuff in my head right now... muhahahaha...

i'm happy to finally meet up with nad, babyafiz, teja and bob... of course tak boleh lupa kaktie... walaupun dalam suasana yang tak sama, but i hope everyone had a great time... that weekend, we were supposed to have a great showcase, but instead, it became a long day trip to johor bahru... nevertheless, i was grateful... grateful to ucm for organising the trip, and grateful to everyone yang sanggup pergi... of course, terima kasih jugak pada nano yang sanggup bagi pinjam kereta walaupun dia tak dapat pergi kerana hal keluarga... it was a tough week-end for me, that week... trying to cope up with everything at once... but i wanted everyone to have a good time... kalau tak banyak pun sikit... and i really hope that they do... thank you semua... nantilah one day i will write about it...

even though it was under some circumstances, i was glad to meet up with my friends from high school... nizam, rozi, azhar, john and i met up to discuss some matters berkenaan dengan Allahyarham zawadi... the one thing that i've never shared with anyone of them, sebab-sebab kenapa Allahyarham sangat rapat dengan i... you see, masa Allahyarham tengah sakit dulu, we hardly talk about his sickness... not to say that kita tak cakap langsung, tapi we didn't go into details... no one wants to be reminded about their sickness, i know i don't... but one thing he was longing for was the good old days... itulah yang sering kita bualkan... we will laugh out loud sampai sakit perut, we will cry about things that we missed dearly, we were proud to be sassians... yup, we we longing to those days when he was not sick...

sekarang nih dengan kerjasama ucm, we are doing a little promotions... we are selling a package of diddy's single and diddy's limited edition t-shirt... kita memang tak print banyak, but we want to do something yang dah lama dah i rancangkan... i want to use this promotions to collect donation pada yang memerlukan... sebahagian daripada duit yang kita dapat hasil jualan single dan t-shirt eksklusif diddy nih akan didermakan... nanti i akan bincangkan dengan ucm untuk memilih rumah kebajikan for us to donate... so, in a way, when you buy the single and the t-shirt, you will be donating some of your money for a good cause... maklumat lanjut boleh didapati di ucm... gambar t-shirt tuh ada kat atas sekali yang diddy pakai tuh... but minus the red t-shirt inside... tuh diddy pakai dua lapis t-shirt tuh...

minggu lalu diddy start kerja balik... not the heavy duty stuff, tapi a simple tasks macam pergi open house, photoshoot etc... tapi tak semua pun yang kita dapat pergi... he still have that mood swing... ada masa kesedihan melanda, it shows kat airmuka dia... and i don't want people to have the wrong impression... bukan semua orang faham dengan kesedihan yang kita lalui... dan tak semua kesedihan yang kita rasa boleh kita pendam begitu saja... so to make life easier for everyone, i will determine dulu apa yang dia rasa, and we will take our steps lepas tuh... bukan satu perkara yang mudah to handle bila kita kehilangan ayah kita, but i think he's trying his very best... kalau mungkin kerja kat office atau kerja-kerja yang sewaktu dengannya, mungkin hanya rakan-rakan kat office jer yang perasan, but in his line of work, dia kena work harder to handle his feelings... dan itulah yang dia tengah buat sekarang...

itu jer lah yang i nak tuliskan setakat nih... i'm sure kejap lagi bila i masuk kereta and drive, mesti banyak cerita kat dalam kepala i... but for now, this is it... nanti karang sikit i letak ler gambar-gambar...