Bidadari Hati

Saturday, December 25, 2004

the one about badrul and 'the new year resolution'...

happy new year i...

before i go on talking about the new year resolution, i just want to say i had a blast on friday with the ocean 8... i don't know who come up with that name, but i like it! too bad i takleh nak join the whole day, but the breakfast and dinner memang fun habis... i hope this friendship of ocean 8 will last forever...

back to the new year resolution... hhmmm... i don't know how to say this... hhmm... well, this is just my personal opinion... my own personal opinion... i don't actually believe in the new year resolution... i used to... but i don't anymore... i think the last time i buat new year resolution was years ago... during my college time... almost 10 years ago... i guess, the reason that i don't believe in it sebab i tak pernah dapat fulfil my new year resolution... tak pernah tercapai... and i get frustrated...

happy new year ii...

then i met my public speaking lecturer who changed my perception of new year resolution... from that day onwards, i don't have anymore new year resolution... but i have monthly resolution, weekly resolution and daily resolution... i felt great each time i achieved my resolutions and i worked extra hard to achieve it! rather than having a long term like one whole year, which buat kita tangguh and tangguh and tangguh, this short term one really works!

happy new year iii...

everyday kita belajar something yang baru... or kadang-kadang something yang kita dah tau tapi tak pernah praktikkan... but when someone datang and remind us about all these things, our knowledge makin bertambah... itu yang i dapat daripada keluarga, teman-teman dan rakan-rakan around me... always trying to improve myself... to be a better person, a better friend, a better son, a better father...

happy new year iv...

looking back to 2004, banyak resolutions yang i buat daily, weekly and monthly dah tercapai... alhamdulillah... ada yang belum but takdalah serious sangat... the best thing about achieving your resolutions adalah self satisfaction... yup! kepuasan diri sendiri yang tak terhingga... and kadangkala, while you are actually doing it for yourself, you get rewarded from someone else... itulah kepuasan yang i rasa bila i got my promotion this year... and bila i menang awards for producing good quality commercials...

happy new year v...

and, siapa sangka... when i started blogging, i've met lots and lots of interesting, wonderful and great people who are now my friends... creating this blog is one of the highlight for me this year... meeting up with friends and fellow bloggers... starting up new friendship, getting in touch with long lost friends, learning something new from them, reading about their experience in life, gossiping dan bermacam-macam lagih...

happy new year vi...

but again, it doesn't matter whether you believe in the new year resolution or not... the most important thing is you get wiser each year... to all of you out there, may you achieve your resolution, yearly, monthly, weekly or daily... i think this is going to be my last entry for this year... to all, selamat menyambut tahun baru 2005... to ocean 8, may our friendship grow stronger dan semoga Tuhan memberkati kita semua...

sample pictures by acer aspire