Bidadari Hati

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the one about badrul and akademi fantasia 7: a tribute to awok...

terima kasih wok kerana menceriakan akademi fantasia 7...

some of my casa friends are also a huge fans of aril... bila aril terkeluar, i did called some of them and ada yang i hantar sms... so, as a tribute to aril and for my friends yang minat aril, i letakkan gambar-gambar aril yang i ambik during the last concert... you can take these pictures and you don't have to give any credit to me... for you to enjoy these pictures and to pass to each other dah kira credit enough for me... i did some editing to the pictures as a 'mark' so that kalau ada blog-blog yang ambik gambar nih and letak watermark diaorang, i will definitely know... to all casa friends yang minat aril, terbaek wok!!!

again, to karl, arin, tre, inc and all from casa, and also semua peminat aril, enjoy these pictures...

click on the pic untuk besarkan... nanti bila i ada masa, i will put up more pictures...