Bidadari Hati

Friday, November 10, 2006

the one about badrul and cerita ceriti...

i was staring at the screen of my laptop for the longest time... setiap kali nak mula update something terus jadik blank... walaupun awalnya ada banyak benda nak update, tapi tiba-tiba terus hilang dari dalam fikiran... entah kenapa... i know someone 'complaint' that sebelum nih my update bunyi macam sedih jer selalu... maybe i'm going to that phase in my life... or maybe i'm not that good a writer to write something funny or happy... or maybe now i'm too transparent that i can't even hide my feelings anymore... muhahahaha... eh, look... i'm laughing... that's a good sign...

::adik bau masam::

*tutup pintu kereta*

"ehhh, dik... apa bau masam nih?"

"bau masam?!?"

"ha'ah... bau macam cuka... perfume baru ker? muhahahahaa..."

*hidu diri sendiri* "mana ada bau masam!!!"

"tak dapat bau ker? kuat sangatlah..."

"hhmmmm... ya lah... bau masam... hehe... mungkin tertidur atas nail polish kot... lama sangat tunggu abang tadi..."

"hahahahaa... sejak bila pulak pakai nail polish nih?!? cantik nyah!!!"

"mak memang cantik nyah!!! hehehehe... bukanlah... tadi orang tu gosokkan baju... kena nail polish dia kot..."

"memang sah bau masam!!!"

::mak ayam blogger merajuk 1::

"eh, sorry lah..."


"alah, aku betul-betul sibuklah... memang nak datang..."

"aaahhhhh... lepaslah!!! aku nak pergi lunch!!!"

"alah, janganlah marah... sepatutnya benda tuh habis awal, tapi hujan, dia orang start lambat... tu yang tak sempat datang tuh..."

"aku taknak dengar!!!"

*sambil bawak cupcake dan tak pandang muka* "kalau nko call hari ahad, memang aku tak angkat talipon!!!*

"alah, sorrylah sekali lagi... kalau tak caya, tanyalah... memang habis lambat... patut start pukul 8 malam, pukul 10.45 baru start... sorrylah..."


*ubah topic* "wah cantik cupcake... macam pernah kutengok... errr.. initial 'nm' tu untuk apa? muhahahaha"

::mak hayam blogger merajuk 2::



"driving back..."

"motif senyap jer?"

"takda apa... busylah... banyak benda nak kena buat... nak kena siapkan..."

"ya lah... negggreetffuul maadderrr!!!"

"kat mana?"

"kat shah alam... dengan fiebie, hatta semua... come lah lepak dengan kita orang!"

"cannot lah... i'm tired..."

"hhhhhhmmmm!!! what are doing for your birthday?"

"i won't be around... i'm going to london..."


"on the 20th nov... about a week plus..."

"hhhmmmm... okaylah... can i see you before that..."


"cakap jer okay... you neeeggreeetfffuulll mmaaaddeerrr!!!"

"alah, nanti kita jumpalah..."

"ya laaaahhhh..."

"okay bye..."

::mak hayam blogger verrrry derrr slow::



"mana master copy nyer? janji hari isnin!!!"

"i'm disinclined to grant your request my acqueiscence..."

"hah??!!? bila boleh dapat?? kata nak buat promotion cepat-cepat!!!"

"i'm disinclined to grant your request my acqueiscence..."

"nih dah hari jumaat dah nih... aku dah janji nak jumpa orang tuh, orang nih..."

"i'm disinclined to grant your request my acqueiscence..."

"haallloooo?!? apa yang nko mencarut nih??? boleh tak cepat sikit!!! nanti nak bawak pergi radio stations lagi... nah bagi kat press lagi... cepatlah sikit..."

"i'm disinclined to grant your request my acqueiscence..."

"hannjeenggg ttaauuu!!!"

"i'm disinclined to grant your request my acqueiscence..."

*ttoott ttoott ttoott ttoott ttoott ttoott ttoott*


"eeerrrr, sorry, dia kat toilet kejap..."

"haannjeennggg, pergi toilet konon... tinggal phone kat orang lain lah ya!!"

"errrrr... i'm disinclined to grant your request my acqueiscence..."

so the single for diddy and yanie sekarang dah totally siap... and it will be played on era and hot fm starting this saturday... terasa macam it was so long ago since we started the project... my first ever step into the entertainment business... i have trillion people to thank, but i know i will not be able to write their names here one by one... you know who you are... so, tune in to era and hot fm... and tell me what you think...

p/s - i'm going for kancil air awards tonight... 'aiman tak kisah' is one of the nominations... wish me luck...