Bidadari Hati

Sunday, January 02, 2005

the one when badrul lost his temper...

inhale... exhale... breathe in... breathe out... sabar... sabar... calm down... okay, jangan cakap about it yet... cerita pasal benda lain dulu lah... okay, lets talk about the day before new year, or new year's eve...

kalau nak kira, memang takda mood nak menempuh tahun baru 2005... rasa macam gloomy jer... i guess everyone pun rasa serupa jugak... but i really need to take my mind of things... and when jasmin called ajak keluar dinner, i eagerly (or atleast try to sound like it) accept it... tak jauh pun from my house, kat usj... tina and her brother chris, jj and corey plus shonny pun join sama...

that dinner did lifted up a little bit of my spirit... as usual, we can't run away from talking about tsunami... but atleast we do have other stuff to talk about... jj and corey's wedding for example (or more like what happen to the music that night, hahahahaa), cakap pasal jas moving to switzerland, cakap pasal deco kat rumah tina and other topics... lepas tuh we all pergi starbucks... dah lama dah tak melepak dengan kawan-kawan macam nih...

okay, i think i dah calm down sikit... so, lets talk about why i lost my temper... yang pertama, because of the donation through sms thingy... sepatutnya this thing will continue for the next three weeks tapi sebab ada masalah sedikit dengan telco operators (they still insist of making some profit out of it) we have to stop it... so kawan-kawan semua, until further notice, tak payah sms lagih... i am very piss-off that for a good cause pun ada lagih orang yang nak meraih keuntungan...

dan yang kedua pulak, bila i dapat tahu i kena fitnah... cisss, memang mencabar keimanan betul! mula-mula tuh i was concerned sebab ianya membabitkan one of my friend, so i pun call lah this friend, but later i found out that my name pun terbabit sama... luckily the other close friend menyabarkan i, kalau tak, memang i call and maki hamun jer this person nih... and i make a vow to myself not to have anything to do with this person again... enough is enough! i paling benci orang yang menikam dari belakang...

what a way to start my new year huh... takpalah, biar ianya menjadi pengajaran tentang kawan-kawan yang i pilih and about friendship... it's a good thing too that i tahu awal-awal... sekurang-kurangnya ianya tak terus menjadi duri dalam daging...

oh, on a lighter note, i dapat wi-fi from jas as a new year gift (thank you so much, darling!) and now i can internet anywhere in my house... hahahhaaa... dah try dah from the kitchen, bedroom and even 'bilik melabur'... hihihiiihi... and i also dapat watch as a birthday gift from sahri and adifashla... sorry sebab lambat nak mention... anyway, the reason i mention it now sebab starting of this monday, i'm going to wear the watch to work...

selamat bekerja di tahun baru 2005 (or belajar, or whatever)...

* guys, you can still make a donation to tsunami victims via sms... additional info on how to donate through sms... thank you waiem...

Pelanggan Celcom (013 dan 019) taip 'Derma' dan hantar ke 33699

Pelanggan DiGi taip 'RM3 atau RM5 atau RM10' dan hantar ke 1966

Pelanggan Maxis taip 'Derma' or 'Donate' dan hantar ke 22999 (Dari 1 Jan hingga 31 Jan 2005)